Talk you Free caling app international calls and sms using talk you on cheap rates don’t need to pay money for expensive packages talk you app provide you free international Calling Service don’t need to pay money for international calling
Talk you provide service you can call on 3G 4G / WiFi without using any cell balance it provide you best calling facility and message facility in cheap rates you can save your money up to 80% more than you are phone company.
Talk App Features
•Free Calling
•Free Messages To Worldwide
•Easy Interface
•Get Local Number For Free Like America/Canada/UK/Belgium etc
•Use This App On Phone Or Tablet
•Best Calls Between Phone and Landline Phones
Why you use this app
Free Calls & Text Message
1. Unlimited free calling & Messages Between Talk You Customers
Make calls and send texts to any phone numbers worldwide without payment
2. No roaming costs even when calling from other Countries
Cheap International Calls Rates
1.Call any mobile phone numbers in over 200 countries
2. low rates
3. Hide Your personal Number
Clear Voice Quality
• Voice calls are transmitted on Talk You high quality
• HD voice call without problem
• Free calls are allowed with credit
Free Other Countries Numbers
Using this app you can get the other country number and you can call or or receive call on this number like as American number canadian number Belgium number and many other numbers alyssa provide you I calling when your Wi-Fi or 3G you will be receive call on your number.
Record Your Calls
You can record your calls easily when you will call your friend then tap on record button your recording will be started this will be help you to save your memories. This is best calling app for ever.
• You can earn free credits for international calling
•You can call easily without any cost with talk you users
•You must have internet connection for calling and for messaging purposes.
How to Sing Up
Sign up process is very easy first of all when open this App you will see email and Facebook option if you have email then click on the email and click on OK your account will be registered with your email and then click on calling button and select your country and just enter the number and click on Call button simple you are calling will be started.
How to earn free credit
First of all click on free credit then click on daily checking you will be received daily 3 or credit and then click on I’m feeling lucky you will be received one credit from this from watching the Ads.
Next button you will busy invite your friend you can easily invite your one friend to get 20 credit for friend if you invite your 10 friends then you will be get 200 credits and you can call everywhere international calling and many more facilities.